Sunday 24 January 2016

The Mantells - Can't Stop, Won't Stop EP [Review]

In this review, we will be looking into the EP titled 'Can't Stop, Won't Stop EP,' by the Manchester 3-piece Indie band The Mantells. The EP has everything you would expect it to have from a top indie band, including witty lyrics that stick around for hours after you have heard the song, strong and leading bass lines with little intricate runs and licks, fast and sharp sounding guitar riffs and chord progressions and well placed drum fills which lead nicely into the next part of the song.

MRG's Top Tracks:

2: Such A Shame: 

Loving the feel to this song, it starts off very quietly, until the drums properly kick in, and the whole song comes to life. Another aspect of the song that I really find interesting is how the guitar riff evolves throughout of the song, and gets more and more prominent. The best part of the song, however, has to be the bass guitar breakdown in mid song, and the vocals are very well written which really helps to emphasise the feel of the build up back into the song, but don't take my word for it, go and listen, any Indie fan will love this song!

1: Stop To Think:

Great start to the EP, with a very strong fuzz bass line running the song, while a clean guitar adds to the overall feel and emotion of the song with a little riff overlaying. The lyrics are also very clever throughout this song, almost telling a story from start to finish. 

This EP is being released by the band on 29th January 2016, but if you would like to have a listen to it beforehand, follow the soundcloud link below, if you are a music fan, then we would highly recommend that you do, you will not be disappointed. 

Listen on Soundcloud here:

Follow the band on Twitter here:

That's all for now, thanks very much for reading,

Until next time

MRG Reviews


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